To ensure that you meet specific federal and state requirements for receiving grants and tax incentives,
partner with eComply to track and monitor your program’s progress.

Certification Management Solution
Easily track, monitor, and manage certifications with eComply’s automated system. Our system works independently or can integrate directly with your existing labor compliance systems. Key features include easy reporting; automatic alerts/notifications; the ability to cross-reference both labor compliance and certification data sets on a single platform; audit and survey management; document repository; business process control; mobile tools; and more!

Prequalification Vendor/Contractor System
As the most comprehensive and reliable vendor/contractor prequalification assessment solution in the market, eComply offers the most efficient and streamlined approach to mitigating risks when it comes to managing your vendors/contractors in a centralized repository. Key features include online application/intake processing; templates for qualification forms; automated alerts; real-time access to contractors with qualifications validation; customizable reports; outreach correspondence management; project sharing and document distribution; agency merit evaluation and audit tracking; easy future access; and more!

Social Equity Hire Compliance Program
Social Equity Hire programs across the United States need to meet specific federal and state requirements to receive grants and tax incentives. To ensure that your Social Equity Hire Programs create the most jobs for dollars invested, partner with eComply to track, trace and report on qualifications and program progress. Key features include online application submission and tracking of contractor proposals; qualifications checklist; proactive goal setting and monitoring; expiration and renewal alerts; real-time equity hire tracking and directory; templates for outreach and correspondence management; field inspection tracking; business renewals tracking; and more.

Prevailing Wage Determination
Automated Survey Responses
An automated system that is fully configurable to capture survey responses. Key features include access to comparison reports based on federal and state prevailing wage laws with existing prevailing wage; tracking raw data that reflects actual data used for classification; historical documentation for new rate determination and classification to monitor compliance with prevailing wage laws; onsite site field inspection; and more.